TANCET Counselling 2014.

TANCET Counselling 2014. How to handle TANCET Counselling?

The candidates who have opted and attended the Tancet examination, there results are out and candidates are waiting for the TANCET 2014 counselling. They are expected to be held somewhere in the last week of July, 2014. The schedule for the counselling is yet to be declared from the Anna University, Chennai which is the body for conducting examination. Before moving ahead for the counselling candidates should seek the details from the college and in case if could get some information from your friends or your college would be helpful in finalizing your decision.

TANCET Notification

The counselling would be done for those candidates who have successfully achieved their scores according to the Tancet MBA 2014 cut off marks. The number of candidates who opted for the examination were somewhere around 27,750. On the basis of the counselling the admission with respect to numerous B-schools would be conducted and seats to the candidates need to be assigned. There is news that the counselling sessions are expected to be held in 2 days which could be last weeks of the month of July 2014.

Facts about the counselling 

Seats would be allotted or filled on the basis of merit among the candidates who are present at the duration of the counselling which would be following the rules for the reservation which are prescribed by the Government of Tamil Nadu after the counselling. 

The number of candidates who have been called for appearing in the counselling would be greater than the number of seats available. 

Candidates would not be provided with any kind of reimbursement and they would have to go for the counselling on their own cost. 

The candidates who miss the opportunity of attending the counselling on the prescribed date and time, they would not be having any other chance or right to claim for the admission further. 

Candidates who have successfully qualified in the subjects alone would only be permitted for seeking admission in the course. 

When a candidate is selected only on the provisional basis for the admission, in such case they just need to submit an amount of Rs 5000 in the form of Demand Draft immediately and finalize their admission part. If they are unable to do so, in such case the admission of offer would be cancelled. 

List of documents required while counselling of TANCET- 

Copy of the hall ticket for the TANCET Examination 

Copy for the Degree certificate or the provisional certificate for those candidates who have completed their 12th in previous year or earlier. Candidates who are appearing for the final year examination for the qualifying in the month of April/May 2014 would have to enclose a course completion certificate from the Head of the organizations where the candidate have studied. 

Copy of 10th and 12th Mark sheet 

Copy of the mark sheet for all the semesters/year of the qualification of examination. 

Copy for the community of the certificate for the following-BC/ MBC/BCM/ SCA/ST and SC candidates for seeking benefits. 

Domicile certificate (if applicable) 

Certification from the District medical board for candidates who are differently abled. (if applicable) 

Self addressed stamped envelope and a addressed stamped acknowledgement card for receiving the call letter. 

For TANCET 2014 Counselling date, see TANCET 2014 Counselling. 

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