TANCET Collegewise Seats Allotment for GATE and Non GATE Candidates
Finally college wise TANCET seat allotment for GATE qualified candidates and Non GATE ( TNACET )Candidates comes Anna University official website. Candidates are advised to check the TANCA GATE intake and TANCA Non GATE intake. Here you can find the category wise, college wise, deportment wise seats allotment for TANCA Counseling 2011 which will help you to get a rough idea of choosing a better college for your GATE or Non GTAE ( TANCET ) Score. Please read our Guidelines for TANCA counseling and Get relieved of your TANCET tension . All are welcome to post the college wise seats allotment as comment here. Since it is a difficult job for as to collect all the information and post it here. Daily thousands of people visiting this site and every one post the details for two colleges is enough for finish this work in one day. So guys and gays post the colleges details you looking. This is not only help us to provide the colleges details but also this will help many students looking for MTech / ME College Information coming years. You also welcome to join our author community by sending a mail to admin@examsavvy.com and you may find information about us. Thank You, ALL THE BEST.
Hello Sir, My BC rank for GATE is 144.
ReplyDeleteMy choices of the courses are power electronics/power systems or high voltage engg...I see there are only 2 to 3 seats max in PSG/CEG.
1.Are there any chances to get one of these....
2.which other colleges can i choose, in case I do not get CEG/PSG?
no chance
Deleteyour chances are less. anyway do you have tancet score?
ReplyDeletesir, Is there anyway to know the department/stream wise rank??
ReplyDeleteOfficially till the last minute of counselling we will not be given any department wise rank.
DeleteFingers crossed praying for other branch people taking seats before us!!!!
Sir, My BC rank is : 1351 and Ovrall rank is :2508
ReplyDeleteIf the BC Quota is filled in a Dept ...Then , Can I opt for OC Catagory....
OC (open competition) seats will be first and anyone can opt for a seat in it...
Deletethen BC seats will start filled up with bc candidates only
Hi raja where did u got ur over all rank ?? can u post the link here pls >>
ReplyDelete1.Yes my ranking is 60(BC) in tancet.... 1st day 07:30 AM... will I get power electronics/power systems in CEG?
2.Any other college apart from, CEG/PSG that I can choose in "GATE counselling"?
ReplyDeleteno idea
you have that option
you have better chances
dear sir....i have qualified in gate 2013, and have not appeared tancet....
Deletedo i have ne chance for Mtech or ME in aero in anna university...
please reply me on abhibhesania2gmail.com
ReplyDelete1.Can you please elaborate...you mean, better chances in TANCET?
2.Also, can you please let me know the other colleges I can choose under GATE, apart from CEG/PSG?
Chances in GATE quota is unpredictable every year in anna univ counselling...
DeleteFew seats in CEG... It all depends on the department of persons in a better rank than u as the rank is common for all departments. Luckily if they belong to streams other than ECE u may get.
PSG and Coimbatore Institute of Technology has all its seats for GATE quota..
Also some govt colleges allot few seats for GATE.
MIT has Communication and Networking under GATE category.
U have a good TANCET score and so bright chances for top colleges
Best of luck
sir, i'm willing to take instrumentation engineering in MIT... i want to know about the scope of that course...? i did my ug in eee... please guide me...
ReplyDeletesir, i've another doubt... if i take instrumentation engineering in pg... will i able to get a lecturer job?
ReplyDeleteScope for instrumentation is good.
DeleteCore company jobs may not reach u but u ll be able to reach them if u learn bettter the concepts and also the value added courses related to the subject.
For lecturer jobs the cross major pg will not be a problem even if u wanna do phd.
My rank is BC 849. Scheduled on 22nd 3.00pm. I belong to B.E(EEE),which department shall i opt and which clg i ll get?
ReplyDeleteDo i have chances to get m.e power system engineering in anna university chennai or anna university coimbatore?
ReplyDeleteAs per anna univ ranking (tancet 2011) my over all rank is 8432 and community ranking is (BCM) 212.
I am working as a GET(MAINTENANCE) in a HVAC co. Also please tell me which on will be better going for a job or studying M.E
ReplyDeleteNo u hav no possibility to get a anna univ seat or govt seat so u hold on ur GET post wich is very gud than dng ME
Thanks sadhana
ReplyDeletesir could u tell me minimum cut-off range in tancet through GATE....
ReplyDeleteAround 30 marks for phase I and around 16 marks for phase II was the minimum cut off range last year
Deletesir,i qualified in GATE2012 so could u tell me minimum cut-off range in tancet through GATE score....
ReplyDeleteGATE category counselling will be held only on day1.
DeleteU can take a seat using ur GATE score on that day only.
GATE score will not play any role if u take a seat through ur TANCET score on the next days.
U can apply and appear for both with ur respective scores.
Minimum GATE score cant be predicted every year.
Best of luck in both the categories
I ve got 33.67 Marks in My Gate. I am general category and Mechanical department. . Can I get M.E ENgineering Design in PSG
ReplyDeletechances r there i think..
DeletePost ur score out of 1000 to make it clear
pls tell me minimum cut-off range in tancet through GATE score(this year)....
ReplyDeletepls refer to the reply @ raj
Deletei have a gate marks in CSE is 26.67 and score is 243 and AIR is 38286 can i eligible for Thiagaraja Engg college in M.E(CSE)
ReplyDeletealmost no chance ... try with tancet score if u have..
DeleteElse put effort for GATE next year..
I have GATE SCORE 311, mark is 31.67.. For CS and my tancet score is 26.. which clg i will get?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAm Naveen M.E tancet score 31 belong to MBC can i get good college and also am ECE dept can i chose ME Computer science is thr any problem for an lecture post and also doin phd
ReplyDeleteSir mt tancet mark is 32.56(mechanical).which are the good colleges which i can get admission
ReplyDeleteTancet queries
Tancet queries
sir i got 26 in tancet m.e csc community m.b.c is there any college available for me.
ReplyDeletemy gate score in EEE is 389 and rank 6841(all india) and mark is 28 in which colleges(mainly govt) i can apply and chance for a seat?
ReplyDeletei got 35 marks in gate 2012 in computer science department. what are the colleges that i will have a change to get if i apply in tanca 2012..i am obc candidate but not from tamil nadu..
your gate score is comparatively less
ReplyDeletehai sir my community rank is 918 i belong to mbc category. may i expect any good colleges like psg, cit...........
ReplyDeletegate or nan gate?
ReplyDeletevarun:sir what is the minimum mark required to get m.tech petroleum engineering seat in ceg campus,chennai
ReplyDeleteMostly it depends on your community reservation. if you have at least 46 marks, then you are in safer side.
ReplyDeletehello...Am divya...i just want few guidance regarding TANCET counselling....i have got 43.117(BC) cse dept....i am aiming for Tyagaraja col....what r the chances for me to get into it....what can i have as my other options???this time GCT,CIT,PSG have made all seats for GATE only....so am totally upset with this....want some suggestions ....I also have a gate score(28.33)...but the valid score is 28.39 (missed it by 0.06 marks) ...though i got the score card they say unqualified gate score is of no use...So plzzzzz give ur suggestions....wat am i to do....guide me...
ReplyDeleteSorry divya, it is difficult to answer your question, but i can tell u can get TCE based on last year tnca seat allotment. Best wishes
ReplyDeletei got 30.67 in gate aerospace and sc .can i get m.e avionics in mit or industrial engg in ceg pls give some idea
ReplyDeleteHi, my Gate 2012 cut off is 28.67 and mark is 256, AIR is 7994, Caste SC. I got VNIT Construction Tech Management in CCMT Counselling, but i dropped it. My tancet score is 27.86. am from civil and am looking for M.E. structures. which college will i get by both gate as well as tancet. Pls do reply. My preferneces COURSE : M.E. Structures or M.E. Construction Engg Management. COLLEGE : 1. CEG, 2. PSG, 3.GCT, 4. CIT… Is that possible. pls reply
ReplyDeleteHi, am areesh my Gate 2012 cut off is 28.67 and mark is 256, AIR is 7994, Caste SC. I got VNIT Construction Tech Management in CCMT Counselling, but i dropped it. My tancet score is 27.86. am from civil and am looking for M.E. structures. which college will i get by both gate as well as tancet. Pls do reply. My preferneces COURSE : M.E. Structures or M.E. Construction Engg Management. COLLEGE : 1. CEG, 2. PSG, 3.GCT, 4. CIT… Is that possible. pls reply
ReplyDeleteur sc or sc (a)ceg- last year sc(a)cutoff - 25.oo ,2010 sca cutoff- 27.88
Deletebut cit u have chance of getting construction management, structure is not possible. me karthik(karthipceg@gmail.com) alumini of CEG AU M.E CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT
TANCET M.Tech /M.E./MBA/MCA/M.Arch/M.Plan 2013 Syllabus / Pattern:-
ReplyDeleteThe duration of TANCET M.Tech/M.E./MBA/MCA/M.Arch/M.Plan Entrance Test is 2 hours. The paper consists of three sections. The first two parts are compulsory for all the students In the case of the third section candidates can choose their field of specialization. Candidates have to select one from the 14 questions.
Part - I Engineering Mathematics
Candidates have to answer all the 30 multiple choice questions.
Part - II Basic Engineering & Sciences
It consists of 45 multiple choice questions. Candidates have to answer 30 from them. For every incorrect answer .25 marks will be reduced. For every correct answer 1 mark will be given.
Part - III Specialization
This part consists of 14 questions from different areas like Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, etc. There are 45 questions in each of the sections. Candidates should answer almost 40 questions to qualify for the test. All the right answers will be given one mark each and .25 marks will be reduced for every wrong answer or if the answers are not correctly shaded.
TANCET 2013 Eligibility:-
TANCET M.E / M.Tech Eligibility: - The candidate should be a B. Tech/B.E graduate in the respective disciple, in which the candidate wishes to do M. Tech/M.E. Even candidates in the final year of their graduation course can also apply for TANCET examination.
CALL : 9843145921
sir my community ranking is 491(MBC) in tancet nd over all ranking 2813.... 2nd day 09.00 AM....which college i get....sir reply pls..........
ReplyDeleteyou can get any top private colleges
Deletesir I am priya my community ranking is 1600(MBC) in tancet nd over all ranking 8233.... 30th august day 10.30 AM....which college i get....sir reply pls...
ReplyDeleteyou can only get 2nd tier private colleges
Deletesir my community ranking is 491(MBC) in tancet nd over all ranking 2813.... 2nd day 09.00 AM....which college i get....sir reply pls..........
ReplyDeletesir metion that college name.........
you can get any good private colleges
ReplyDeleteI am Joshitha..I am from Kerala..My TANCET ME/Mtech score is 42.146..Non-GATE rank is 958..I would like to take Applied Electronics...Which college I may get?...Please reply me....
you can get CEG
DeleteThank you sir for your reply....Is there any chance for me to get a seat for ME Applied electronics in CIT or GCT coimbatore?
DeleteMy TANCET score is 42.146 and rank is 958...
ya your chances are great
DeleteThank you sir...I have 1 more doubt...From where will I get the college name and code list for attending the counseling? My counseling is on 27th 12 noon ....Please reply me sir...
you can find those information at anna university site
DeleteDear Sir,
DeleteI have gone through the Anna university official website. In that I checked the initial intake of Non-GATE section and from that I came to know that the number of seats available in Open Category in different colleges for ME Applied Electronics is below 6 each...I am a little tensed that will I get seat in CEG, GCT, CIT, somewhere?
My rank is 958 and I am keralite.
Thanks & Regards,
Hai.....I got seat for ME Applied Electronics at Sri Sivasubramanya Nadar College of Engineering, kancheepuram.....
DeleteThanks U all for the support and advice.....
@Joshitha - How is SSN for computer Science for M.Tech
Deleteplease provide details regarding placement .
Thanks in advance
Hi, my TANCET ranking is overall ranking -152; MBC - 17. Do I have a chance of getting CSE in CEG campus
ReplyDeleteyeah surely you will get it
Deletehi sir, my TANCET score is 37.4, MBC-490 nd my counciling schedule is 2nd day 9'o clock sir ...I would like to take COMPUTER SCIENCE...Which college I may get?...Please reply me.... any chance of getting MEPCO,CGT or CIT????????
you can get MEPCO . but the chances for cit and gct are less.
Deletethank u sir....
DeleteHi, my TANCET ranking is overall ranking -2813; MBC - 491. pls list the top level private college...?????still i confused..which college i can get......
ReplyDeleteSri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering
DeleteSt.Joseph College of Engineering
Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College
Velammal Engineering College
Panimalar Engineering College
Sri Sairam Engineering College
Easwari Engineering College
Jeppiar Engineering College
My tancet score is 33.103 M.E(ece) belongs to BC candidate nd over all rank 6165 ,community rank 3201 ..which clg can i get? i can expect velammal,sriram,rajalakshmi ah.pls reply...whether i wil gt gud colge ah...............my mail id- minipriya.m@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteyou can get one from velammal, sriram, rajalakshmi
Deletei am ramesh ve got 293 score in gate 2012 ,524 bc community rank so any chance to get seat in gov coll sir ple kindly help me sir
ReplyDeletemail : ramesh18890@gmail.com
i am ramesh ve got 293 score in gate 2012 ,524 bc community rank so any chance to get seat in gov coll sir ple kindly help me sir then i am electrical department sir
ReplyDeletepls list the top level private college...?????
ReplyDeleteI have qualified in gate 2012(biotechnology) ,now i am applied for TANCA councelling
ReplyDeleteoverall rank is 386
commununity rank (MBC)is 30,may i know whether i have possibiliies to getting seats in anna university chennai or psg tech
i am ramesh ve got 293 score in gate 2012 ,524 bc community rank so any chance to get seat in gov coll sir ple kindly help me sir then i am electrical department sir
ReplyDeleteyou have less chances only
Deletei am ramesh in top private coll get it ah sir ,524 bc community rank 293 score in gate
ReplyDeletemy name is Arunkumar(EEE),my bc rank is 863.Any chance in anna university?
ReplyDeletechances are less
Deletehi I am venkatesan ,
ReplyDeleteMy gate mark is 32.67
gate score is 325
Overall rank 524
MBC rank 46.
can I get PSG or CIT or GCT or TCE.
Please help me
you may get seat
Deletehi...this is divya..cse dept..my overall rank..754/...comm rank...424(bc)....will i get tce madurai??wat r the optionzz i can have ? please guide me...
ReplyDeleteyou can get tce madurai
Deletehi...this is venkat.I'm qualified GATE exam with 31.67 marks in the stream of ECE in Open Category(OC) and my overall rank is 616 in tancet counselling .....sir plz tell me which college i have get in the following colleges.....
ReplyDeleteceg,gct,anna university,cit,thiagarajar,anamalai and psg........
one of the above college you mentioned, it is difficult to tell the college, since you are in the border
DeleteHi.. am shalini.. I have got 1384th rank(BC) in tancet ME-EEE 2012.. Can I get GCT kovai, Kumaraguru clg, kovai by last seat??
ReplyDeleteyou have chances for Kumaraguru college
Deleteow :-((( other than this what are the top pvt colleges can i opt for ME?
Deletei got GATE community rank in SC 352 in ECE and u've any idea about how many ECE students appearing before my rank in that community..pls help i getting big confusion..
ReplyDeleteHello All,
ReplyDeleteI got 216 rank under OC catogory(Gods Grace). So what should be my priority order like.Pls help me out here.
Would I get in CEG, MIT, GCT, CIT, PSG?
IS this order correct??
Which should be the next college I should look for??
I am Electronics and Communication Dept.
Anybody pls, PLEASE reply
sir I am priya my community ranking is 1600(MBC) in tancet nd over all ranking 8233.... 30th august day 10.30 AM....which college i get....sir reply pls... CSE dept
ReplyDeletesir I am priya my community ranking is 1600(MBC) in tancet nd over all ranking 8233.... 30th august day 10.30 AM....which college i get....sir reply pls... cse dept
ReplyDeletemy tancet rank is 491 (ECE)and comm.BC 280 will i get TCE (madurai)
ReplyDeletecommunication systems or wireless .kindly anyonr reply ...
ReplyDeleteI m under d nongate bc category ...my Tancet score is 34.097..wich colleges I ll get... Pls suggest me... Can I get gud college ???
And my mail id: nanthuaruvi128@gmail.com.....
Am I eligible to get M.Tech seat in VIT, Vellore with tancet result and without gate result?
ReplyDeletehttp://annaunivtancet.blogspot.in/ - Anna University has published the TANCET 2013 exam schedule.
ReplyDeleteI have gate score 26(CSE)(95.13 percentile) in Gate 2013 OBC ,Please list the tamilnadu colleges where I can get seat
ReplyDeletemy gate rank is 3705 in ic branch is there any colg for me..???
ReplyDeletesir i hav not qualified gate..and im goin to write tancet will i b able to get seat in reputed clgs like psg,cit,gct only with tancet score alone?????
ReplyDeletehi sir i am sahari i got 28.67(eee)marks in gate 2013 my gate score is 304 which clg i can get in tancet
ReplyDeletehi sir i am sahari i got 28.67(eee)marks in gate 2013 my gate score is 304 which clg i can get in tancet
ReplyDeleteHello Sir, Can you please tell me which college I can expect for a score of 355 in CS general?
hai sir, am jaya. i got a GATE Score of 29(OBC) in civli engineering stream.. can i get a seat in GCT, coimbatore OR TCE, MADURAI OR GCE, SALEM... pls do reply sir.
ReplyDeletesir i have qualified GATE but i am not going to write TANCET exams. Will i get admission in colleges like PSG,MIT
GATE 2013 SCORE:410
sir. i scored 28 mark in gate 2013 .belong to bc, eee dept.caste rank 6789 .AIR-16382 .can get seat in anna univ chennai ..i wrote tancet 2013 too..i like to take power system/high voltage engg ..can i get anyone of it. if not which clg shall i get?? pls tell
ReplyDeletesir i got 14300 rank in gate cse branch..my marks are 24...i am a general category i should to get 25 marks for qualifing.but i am not qualified....can i get a free seat in mtech........plz plz replay to my comment
ReplyDeleteSir ,
ReplyDeleteMY 2013 Gate rank is 7224 and marks are 44 in ECE department.Can you let me know best colleges for this rank where I can do my Mtech.
I am interested in VLSI/Communications.
PLease helpme with some good list of colleges as I am in confusion,and havent tried with any other entrances.
please mail me at kashyap.589@gmail.com
ReplyDeletehello sir..,,
ReplyDeletei have qualified in GATE.
non tamilnadu student..,
i dint apply for TANCET..,
is there any chance for me to get Anna Univ
when will be the notification issued.
plzzz. respond..
Notification comes within 10 to 15 days
ReplyDeletei got 25.33 in GATE EEE
what are the possible colleges for ME power electronics or power systems?
just search this site.
Deletepongada pluckers, tancet mokka sir, gate dhan best...
ReplyDeleteyou are correct
DeleteI have got 19.80 in Tancet MBA.Ibelongs to BC.which college i will get in madurai?
ReplyDeleteMy TANCET 2013 marks are 59.875.
ReplyDeleteAnd my Gate-2013 marks are 26 , score 374
CSE , General Category, Outside Tamil Nadu.
Which category i should apply, Gate or Non-Gate ?
Which colleges can i get CEG, PSG ???
please guide
sir i got 29.900 in tancet 2013 cn i get good clgs for m.e structural....
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletediscipline:civil.engg tancet score :37.276 if any chance to got a seat in tce or gct please reply me sir.......
ReplyDeleteyou. can get it
Deletesir i got 32.704 in TANCET-ME/mtech. ECE background.
ReplyDeletecommunity :BC; Will i get seat in GCT or any other collges in coimabtore
private collges in coimabtore
ReplyDeleteMy tancet score is 45.089 (BC)/ Mechanical engineering. Can i get any PG MECH course in anna univ ceg
yeah good chances
Deletesir my gate score is 20.67 (SC)/ mechanical.
ReplyDeleteeligible mark is 16.67
under Tancet which college can i get PG course
your mark is less and seats through GATE also less
ReplyDeleteI am RAKESH.M,i was secured 30.626 in tancet 2013,and belongs to bc community,my father is an ex-serviceman,can i elligible to join in govt college through ex-serviceman category? otherwise what type of autonomus college will i get?,
pls reply dudes...i am waiting for your responce....
elligible to join in govt college through ex-serviceman
Deletei got 29.9 and belong to bc can get colgs for ME
ReplyDeleteyou can get college
DeleteTANCET marks 59.874. OC category
ReplyDeleteWhich colleges can i get CEG, PSG ???
DeleteTANCET marks for ME -29.843(BC) is good score or what?....can i expect any top colleges?...could u suggest me?...thanks in advance
ReplyDeletewhether is it negative marks?
Delete@Sundar Mano..
i got 40.065 marks in tancet ME in BC.Shall i get power systems in Mepco,ssn or Gct
ReplyDeleteyou can get Mepco,ssn
Deletesir, i have a valid gate score of 21.67 and also with tancet score 40(SC category), is there any possibilities of getting M.E. CSE seat in ceg, mit???
ReplyDeleteyeah you have good chance
Deletesir, i have to apply for both scores independently or in same application??
DeleteThank you sundar mano sir for ur valuable info,
ReplyDeleteWhich mechanical PG Courses offers high level of placements after 2 years?
Which is best and easy course?
my tancet score is 42.198 .. My community is OC... I am physically challenged .. Can i get ME seat in CEG,MIT,PSG ?
ReplyDeletesir my tancet score is 39.44..community OC.. Non local status.. Any chance of getting good colleges for me mech in tamil nadu?
ReplyDeletesir i have got 44.199 in tancet ..and i didnt attend gate is there any possibility to get goverment clg
ReplyDeletesir i got 33.303 in tancet for ME (MBC) caste will i get ceg /mit or else? Please reply me sir
ReplyDeletechances are low
Deletesir, i got 35.173 in tancet for ME(ECE). i include in BC category.also i have a valid GATE score (26.33). i have chances to get at GCT, coimbatore?
ReplyDeletecan anybody help me?
DeleteSir I have got 18 marks in TANCET MBA,I'm Belongs to BC.is there any possible to get kumaraguru,rajalakshmi or sona? Reply me. Thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteChances aren't bad, you'll surely get sona but i'm not sure about other colleges which you mentioned above
Deletehi, i have scored 39.981...Tancet ME ,i belong to mbc category..
ReplyDeletei wrote under EE stream...what are all the possible colleges to get in
my gate mark is 20 i belong to SC category
ReplyDeleteis there any chance to get tamil nadu colleges
Sir,im Ex-service man and my son was scored 24.771 in tancet M.E exam & belongs to MBC.MY question is whether he can get seat in any colleges for this score...?
ReplyDeleteWaiting for your reply!
It depends on the competitors with your son who is coming under ex-service quota.best of luck.
DeleteThanks for your valuable reply
Deletesir,i got 31.224 (MBC) in TANCET 2013 .is thr any possible of getting any govt colleges ?? r any top self financing colleges .
ReplyDeleteYeah you can get medium level college
Deletesir i hav got 36.658 marks (BC) and i'm mech student ....
ReplyDeletewill i get any chance of getting into gct
Sir,My Tancet M.E score is 23.516 belongs to MBC.IS there any possibility to get seat in any colleges ?
ReplyDeleteWaiting for ur reply
Only tier 3 colleges are possible.
DeleteK sir,
Deletecan u tell me the name of the colleges.it will be very helpful for me to proceed...! &thanks for ur reply
ECE branch ..trying for GATE category.
ReplyDeleteGATE SCORE 36 out of 100.
and 402 out of 1000
gate rank 12795..
i belong to MBC... can iget applied electronics in CEG under Gate category...
Sir, My tancet mark is 36.968... category B.C...In which college can i get CSE dept???
ReplyDeleteWe cannot assure you college names, but you have very good chances.
Deletebc 25 marks mechanical which college can i get
ReplyDeletewhether i get seat or not
waiting for reply
DeletePossibilities are very less, better try management quota now itself
DeleteECE branch ..trying for GATE category.
DeleteGATE SCORE 36 out of 100.
and 402 out of 1000
gate rank 12795..
i belong to MBC... can iget applied electronics in CEG under Gate category..
pl reply sir..
Sir,what is mean by tier 3 colleges...?i cant understand
ReplyDeletewaiting for ur reply...!
Sorry tier-2,average
DeleteThank u sir...!
DeleteECE branch ..trying for GATE category.
ReplyDeleteGATE SCORE 36 out of 100.
and 402 out of 1000
gate rank 12795..
i belong to MBC... can iget applied electronics in CEG under Gate category..
pl reply sir
Sorry i'm not aware of GATE category. Mano may reply you.
DeleteHi,I have scored 44.577((BC) in TANCET 2013-M.E(E.C.E).will i get communication systems or applied electronics in Anna university,psg,other govenment & good colleges....Thanks in advance....
ReplyDeleteHi,I have scored 44.577((BC) in TANCET 2013-M.E(E.C.E).will i get communication systems or applied electronics in Anna university,psg,other govenment & good colleges....Thanks in advance....
ReplyDeleteSure I guess.
DeleteI scored 36 mark in tancet 2013 from civil. i belong to mbc. whether I have any chance of getting seat in Anna university or govt college.
ReplyDeletei got 44.557 in tancet m.e(c.s) in b.c community.whether i'll get ceg,mit,psg?
ReplyDeleteYa you have chances, atleast you may get govt colleges
Deletesir I got 44.57 in TANCET 2013 ece dept.bc category.which colleges and all i will get.....pls suggest me...
ReplyDeleteYou have good chances for govt colleges.all the best
Deletewill i get c.e.g....
DeleteSir I have scored 18.75 in tancet M.E(cse) under BC can i get any good colleges?? kindly suggest me.
ReplyDeletesir i ve got 33.673 in tancet ME ECE i belong to BC will i get any good college in coimbatore
ReplyDeleteI got 45.6 in TANCET 2013 and I belong to BC community...Do I have any chance of getting CEG or MIT...
ReplyDeleteI got 45.646 in TANCET M.E(ECE) 2013..community-BC Is there any chance of getting anna university CEG,CIT,MIT or any other govt colleges???
ReplyDeletesir i got 18.6 in tancet CSE my caste is sc (arunthathiyar) any govn college available
ReplyDeleteGot 37.67/100 and 422/1000 in Gate-Mechanical (2013) under OBC category. What are my chances in CEG and PSG..?? Please do reply sir..
ReplyDeleteSir i scored 43.6 (mech) in tancet and i belong to oc . Any chance to get in ceg or govt colleges.
ReplyDeleteTANCET 28 (Civil) under BC is there any chance for ME
ReplyDeletesir,i got 31.224 (MBC) in TANCET 2013 mechanical.is thr any possible of getting any govt colleges ?? r any top self financing colleges .suggest me some coll whr i can get