List of ME Courses for Engineering Disciplines for TANCET Qualified Candidates
We have listed the courses that are eligible for candidates of different streams. Students of their engineering discipline can choose any course that is eligible for them. Note that the main stream is given for M.E and the corresponding degree eligible for reading the course is also mentioned.
For Ex: If you need to study M.E Remote sensing, the eligibility is listed below Civil engineering .If any special eligibility is allowed, we have mentioned In bracket near the course.
Civil engineering:
Eligibility: B.Tech/B.E in Civil, Chemical, Geoinformatics, Bio technology, Agricultural engineering, Irrigation Engg
- Environmental Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Irrigation Water Management Engineering
- Construction Engineering & management
- Remote Sensing
- Environmental Management
- Geomatics
- Integrated Water resources management
- Costal Management ( Also eligible for EEE, ECE, Forestry, Fishery, Oceanography)
- Infrastructure Engineering
- Computer method & applications in structural engineering
- Geo technical Engineering
- Environmental engineering & management
- Environmental sciences and engineering
Eligibility: B.E/B.Tech in Mechanical, Automobile, Manufacturing, Production, Aeronautical, Chemical, Industrial, Mechatronics, Marine)
- Engineering design
- Industrial engineering
- Computer integrated manufacturing
- Internal combustion engineering
- Refrigeration & air conditioning engineering
- Energy engineering ( Also Petroleum, Petro-Chemical engg, Energy& Environmental engg from Tamil nadu Agri univ.,CBE)
- Product design and development
- Computer aided design
- Quality Engineering & management
- Printing and packaging technology ( Also Polymer engg, plastic tech, rubber & plastic tech,Packaging Tech)
- Mechatronics
- Aeronautical Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Manufacturing systems management (Mining)
- Automobile Engineering
- Thermal Engineering
- Industrial Safety Engineering
- Welding Technology
- Renewable Energy(Bio Tech, Industrial Bio tech)
- Lean Manufacturing
- Aviation Technology(ECE)
- Quality Engineering
- Product design and commerce
- Industrial Metallurgy
- Production Engineering
- Heat power Engineering
- Advanced manufacturing Technology
- Energy conservation and management(EEE, Petro chem)
- Aerospace technology
- Solar energy
- Automotive Engineering
Eligibility: EEE, ECE, E & I, I & C
- Power systems engineering
- High voltage engineering
- Control & instrumentation
- Power electronics drives
- Electrical drives and embedded controls
- Embedded system technologies (CS & IT)
- Instrumentation engineering
- Control systems
- Embedded and real time systems (CS & IT)
- Electrical machines
Eligiblity : IT, ECE,CSE)
- Applied Electronics
- Medical electronics ( Bio Medical, B.E Medical electronics)
- Optical Communication
- Communication systems
- Computer science and engineering
- Software Engineering (M.C.A or M.Sc -5 years Integrated, B.E Comp.hardware & software)
- Laser & Electro optical (M.Sc Physics,Material science)
- VLSI design
- Multimedia technology
- Information technology
- Systems engineering & operations research ( B.E – Any branch, M.Sc ( Maths, Statistics), M.Sc-5 years CS,IT)
- Bio Medical Engineering (B. E Any branch, M.Sc Physics)
- Avionics ( Aero, M.Sc Physics, CS – Min 2 years Experience in approved organization)
- Communication & Networking
- Computer and communication
- Digital communication & network engg
- Network Engg
- Wireless Technologies
- Space science and engg ( Mech , Aeronautical, M.Sc Physics)
- Web & mobile technology
- Satellite technology
- Pervasive computing technologies
- Mobile and pervasive technology.
- Mainframe technology
Chemical Engg : Chemical, Electro chemical, Pharmaceutical technology, Food technology, Food processing technology, petro chemical, Petroleum refining
Textile Technology: Textile technology, Textile chemistry
Ceramic technology: Chemical, Metallurgy, Ceramic & cement technology, Ceramic tech, Petro-engg , Petro.Chem,M.Sc Material Science
Petroleum refining & petro chemical : Chemical, Petroleum Refining, Petro chem, Petro-engg , M.Sc
Polymer Science & engineering : M.Sc. Polymer science, Material science,Applied chemistry,Chemistry or B.E/B.Tech Polymer, Chemical , Plastic, Textile
Environmental Science & Tech: B.E Civil, Geo informatics / Chemical, Industrial Biotech, Bio tech, Chemical & electro chemical engineering, Petro-chem, Petro engg , M.Sc ( Applied chemistry, Env.chemistry, Bio Tech) .B.Tech Energy & environmental engineering from Tamilnadu Agri univ.CBE
Bio Tech : Chem engg,Leather tech , Bio chemical engg, Petroleoum , Bio tech, Petro-chem, Agri-bio tech or B.Pharm , M.Sc Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genitic engg, Genitics & molecular biology
Bio-Pharmaceutical Technology: Chem, Bio-tech, Industrial Bio tech, Pharmaceutical, Bio-Medical, Bio-chemical, B.Pharm, M.Sc.Bioche, Microbiology, Genetic engineering, Genitics & molecular biology
Electro Chemical Engineering: B.Tech – Chem engg, Chem & electro chemical engg, Petro tech, Petro refining , Petro-chem or M.Sc Applied chemistry.
Leather Technology : B.E/B.Tech Leather technology
Footwear science & engineering: B.E/B.Tech Leather technology, Mech,Textile tech
Nano Science & Technology: Mech, ECE, Ceramic, Engineering Physics, Bio tech, Industrial Bio Tech, Chemical, Bio Medical, Agri Bio tech, B.Pharm, M.Sc- Physics,Material science, Applied chemistry,Bio technology(With maths as one subject in B.Sc)
Food Technology: Food technology, Bio tech,, Chem Engg, Mechanical, or M.Sc – Food science , nutrition, Bio tech, Bio chemistry,Microbiology, Horticulture,Fisheries science.
Plastic Technology: Mach, Chem, Prod.engg,Polymer Engg, Petroleoum, Petro-refining or M.Sc Polymer science,Chemistry with polymer specilization.
Textile Tech : Textile tech, Textile chem, polymer , M.Sc Applied chemistry, Textile tech, Chemistry
Apparel tech:Fasion tech, textile tech, Leather Technology
M.Tech . Technology Management: B.E/B.Tech any branch
Rubber Tech: Rubber Tech, Plastic tech, Polymer tech,Mech, Chem,Material science& engg, Automobile, Prod.engg, M.Sc.Chem, Applied chem, polymer chem, material science
Polymer technology: Polymer,chemical texile, M.Sc. Polymer science, Material science, applied chemistry, Chemistry.
M.Arch.Landscape Architecture, M.E Digital Architecture, M.Arch : B.Arch
Real estate development: B.Arch or Civil engineering- subject to the condition that they will not be eligible for registration as architect under the act 1972 with the council of architecture, on the basis of their M.Arch (Real estate development)
M.Plan: B.Plan / B.Arch/ B.E.Civil or M.A/M.Sc ( Geography , economics, sociology, social work with community development specialization and rural development
The courses listed above and their eligibility can be changed by rules.So we request you verify again the eligibility criteria.
ReplyDeleteIs this same for TANCET 2013 also , or is there any change??
ReplyDeleteom civaayanama
ReplyDeletegreetings sir,
respected sir,
i have secured 52.2 marks in tancet 2013 for m.b.a and 49.605 marks for m.e.
in which colleges shall i get m.e for this mark and in which colleges shall i get mba for this mark. i have completed ECE
Is Anna univ. will issue Hard copy of Application & Information brouchure for TANCA 2013 or v hav to apply for counselling only through online ?